About Us

We started just like everyone else. Flying toy grade drones in the living room just to impress our friends and family. We evolved so much so that we started flying drones for real estate agents, celebrities, and producers. The people we have met and the experiences we have gained are unfathomable; just to think this all rooted from flying, what essentially was a toy. The Verydrone team is growing each and every day with people who come from all facets of life but who share the fascination of flight and film-making. Together, we share over 25 years of experience in film-making, drones, model aircraft, and the radio controlled industry. We hate to overuse the cliché, for enthusiasts by enthusiasts, but we truly are on the field applying and constantly critiquing the products we supply.

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We are Verydrone. We are not related by blood but are linked by many shared obsessions: filmmaking, photography, travel, and the many good things that develop with these pursuits. For most, a drone is seen as a tool but to us drones bring opportunity; opportunity to explore new places, experience new perspectives, capture the un-captureable, and sharing all of these experiences with people around the world. We are every day people, just like you but have devoted our lives to the education of drone use.

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The drone space is constantly evolving. New manufacturers and technology are popping up each and every day; not all of which are great. We make sure to only supply the very best in drone technology to ultimately aid our clients with their aerial pursuits. Whether you are a weekend hobbyist or the director of photography for a high-end production, Verydrone is here to help you in your drone purchasing experience.

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Our purpose is simple: to educate, illustrate, and provide. We want to share our experiences and knowledge with the world. Drone culture is not just a hobby, for some it’s their passion, others their career, and for most a lifestyle that is a relief from the stresses of everyday life. We want to create a family of drone enthusiasts where we can all share our stories, experiences, and work, all while growing in knowledge and friendships. So come, join us on this adventure we call Verydrone.


Contact Us

Monday - Friday

10 AM – 6 PM